Comme Des Garcons
CDG Jackets
CDG T-shirts
Comme Des Garcons
Comme des Garcons likewise CDG for short is a renowned Japanese clothing brand. Rei kawakubo began this name in Tokyo in 1969 and afterward established an official brand in 1973. The name is taken from the popular line “Comme des Darcons et les filles de mon âge” of Françoise Tough’s 1962 tune “Tous les garçons et les filles”. This line means the young men and young ladies of my age. Thus, Comme des Garcons is a French line that means “Like boys”.
Comme des Garcons offers a huge assortment of clothing items including ladies wear, menswear, and athletic apparel. It has been running different stores across the greatest urban areas of the world. You can likewise find its most recent assortment online at the Comme des Garcons UK store. Explore various sections of the most recent collections at our store and find the best of the latest styles with just one click.